Sunday, January 17, 2010

Greenville SC Pumptrack

Just before Christmas I built a pump track for a great family in Greenville SC. Good friend Danny Cesare helped and we completed it by hand in just 2.5 days. Here are some pics.


Butch Greene said...

geez. That's beautiful man. I've got a great spot for one in my yard, but know nothing of how to even start. Wish someone would just layout the design and me do the digging. With 2 kids, time is short.

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome man! Im glad to see more stuff going on around Greenville. I thought I was the only one down here, or at least the only junior I think. I really need to build one of those. Let me know next time you head down this way and Id love to help build and probably learn a lot or ride. send me an email sometime at
-Nick Gragtmans

Jackwilly said...

Where in Greenville is this and is it open to the public

the long drive cross country

the long drive cross country
somwhere in Utah